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Our goals

1. Organize social events to help foster greater interaction and cooperation between international and Canadian chemistry graduate students as well as graduate students across different disciplines of chemistry.

2. Provide useful information and services to new and continuing chemistry graduate students.

3. Invite guest speakers from industry and other universities, whom chemistry graduate students would like to hear and meet.


4. Represent chemistry graduate students to the Chemistry Department, the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA), the University of Alberta as well as other universities, and act as liaison with industry and the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC).


The members

If you are interested in becoming an executive member of CGSS, please send an email to or visit our contact page

​-All new and continuing graduate students studying chemistry at the University of Alberta are automatically considered members.


-Executive officers are primarily responsible for working towards attaining the stated goals of the CGSS and in the general interest of chemistry graduate students.


-All members are eligible to run for executive positions and all members are eligible to vote during annual elections normally held in March or April.

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